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Azalea Deep Pink

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Azalea Deep Pink
0.10 LBS
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Azalea Deep Pink Azalea  (Deep Pink)

For ingestion of good thoughts, deeds or actions done by others. Seeing the goodness in life, even in the smallest of things.

Take when not being able to see beyond one's troubles, pessimistic, complaining. Brings conscious awareness to "good" things. Outpouring of love, compassion and appreciation. For those overly generous to the point of cutting themselves off from these wonderful energies and for those who do not find it easy to express these energies. Moves heart energy and opens the heart for more graceful giving and receiving.

Great for those at a standstill in relationships - moves them back into a place where these energies can be invited back to create harmony. Relationship issues on all levels. Brings opens communication and gets one's hurt out of the way.

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