Dianthus "Tiny Rubies" Dianthus gratianoplitanus (medium pink) Promotes harmony in social settings. Think well of other and they will think well of you. Community minded, finding a common goal and appreciation of being unified and sharing. One still maintains individuality but together they form a synergy that serves all well. Use for those who shy away from groups out of fear of loosing oneself or being rejected or shunned. A very social essence. Reminds me of a playground full of happy children all doing their thing but joyful in doing it together - to have fun! Energetically works on heart chakra to open up beyond intimate family. Abundance felt in first chakra. Takes one out from survival mode into attraction mode. (research)
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DISCLAIMER: Flower Essences should not be used as a replacement for proper medical care. Using flower essences is only a part of taking responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being. You are also responsible for researching and listening to your intuition about what foods benefit your body, what activities bring you joy and strength, and allowing for quiet contemplative time to help you reach greater clarity in your life's decisions.