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Horseradish Amoracia rusticana (white)

Harmonious Expression: A strong connection to our internal power source and the ability to be pro-active and move through life creating balance. 

Inharmonious Expression: Stagnation, victim mentality, inability to move out of the refrain that “Life is so hard, it’s dealt me such painful experiences...”. Bitterness about life - lack of sweetness. Take these gifts you've learned and bring them out into the world. Make them your teacher, not your prison. Energy shifter, seeing and appreciating the other side.

Useful for survivors of abuse who are having trouble moving beyond the past reality of pain. Brings the ability to accept that the past has been bitter and that now it is time to move on and create more nourishing realities. Releases sorrow, guilt, negativity and self-punishing behavior. Allows one to release their “emotional baggage” and accept, integrate and embody their personal power within. Aligns one with bringing one’s destiny into the physical realm. This essence is a strong essence but it brings it’s healing in a gentle way even as it asks that you take more responsibility for your reality.

Keywords: Stagnation, Guilt, Negativity, Sorrow, Pro-active, Victimhood, Abuse, Power, Integration

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