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Individual Essences

All of our stock (concentrate) Flower Essences are preserved in brandy and sold in 1/2 ounce (15 ml) Miron violet glass bottles.

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Flowers12 Purchase 12-19 Flower Essences for $12.00 each
Flowers20 Purchase 20  + Flower Essences for $10.50 each

Click on product name for full description.

  • Agrimony
    $13.00 Agrimony
    Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria (yellow) Openness, Self Acceptance, Defensive. Provides steady development of wisdom and knowledge. Great to take while learning new things, in self discovery and education that require...

  • Alyssum Basket of Gold
    $13.00 Alyssum Basket of Gold
    Alyssum - Basket of Gold Allyssum saxatile (yellow) Excessive worrying, mental activity. Lightens up one's energy around mental tasks. Brings calmness to hamster wheel mind. Magnifies problems. Magnified mental...

  • Angel's Trumpet
    $13.00 Angel's Trumpet
    Angel's Trumpet Datura candida (white) To hear and speak the truth. Purity of communication. Good for those who use words to sway others to their beliefs. Brings clarity in hearing what others are saying -...

  • Angelica
    $13.00 Angelica
    Angelica Angelica archangelica (green) Purpose, Connection, Grace. Portal to higher consciousness and the collective consciousness. Liken to access to all that is. Great to use for meditations and naps while seeking a...

  • Anise Hyssop
    $13.00 Anise Hyssop
    Anise Hyssop Agastache anethiodora (purple) Core cellular issues. Heals trauma on cellular level. Coats the cells so emotional issues slip or slide off them. Works on primordial beliefs that no longer pertain to...

  • Asparagus
    $13.00 Asparagus
    Asparagus Asparagus officinalis (greenish yellow) Long appreciated for enhancing male virility but really what is does is empowers both genders to take positive action without fear of needing to be on guard. Keeps one safe...

  • Aster "September Ruby"
    $13.00 Aster "September Ruby"
    Aster "September Ruby" Aster novae-angliae ‘September Ruby' (magenta) Multi channels of deep passion. Passion for one's life, work, relationships, and family - whatever "fuels" your soul. Great for those...

  • Astilbe "Peach blossom"
    $13.00 Astilbe "Peach blossom"
    Astilbe "Peach blossom" Astilbe x ardendsii "Peach blossom" (light pink) Dust off your old ballet slippers or dancing shoes. Generates energy into the feet and movement of feet. Brings lightness to those who walk...

  • Autumn Flowering Cherry
    $13.00 Autumn Flowering Cherry
    Autumn Flowering Cherry Prunus subhirtella autumnalis (pink) Rejuvenation - great in facial lotions. Brings about the renewal of spring like energy and freshness. Gives cheer to your Cherry cheeks...

  • Azalea
    $13.00 Azalea
    Azalea Azalea x hyb.-' Red Blue Tag' (peach/white) Balances brain function and the 6th and 7th chakras. Helpful for eye problems. I LIKE this essence! Clears the secondary chakras of the head. (Kathrin's note:...

  • Azalea Deep Pink
    $13.00 Azalea Deep Pink
    Azalea Deep Pink Azalea  (Deep Pink) For ingestion of good thoughts, deeds or actions done by others. Seeing the goodness in life, even in the smallest of things. Take when not being able to see beyond one's...

  • Baptisia
    $13.00 Baptisia
    Baptisia Baptisia australis (blue) For those who do not feel part of this world - that they are so different. Shifts those feeling of being separated to feeling good about one's uniqueness and allowing yourself...

  • Basil
    $13.00 Basil
    Basil Ocimum basilicum (white) Cleansing quality refreshes energy channels. Good for those stuck in old habits and thoughts. Refreshing. Erases preconceived ideas that do not ring true. Fiber for the soul, works...

  • Beauty Bush
    $13.00 Beauty Bush
    Beauty Bush Kolkwitzia amabilis (pink with yellow lace markings) The great expanding essence. Brings new ideas, thoughts and vastness to one's life. Helps expand one's energies of seeing beyond and continues to open more...

  • Bedstraw
    $13.00 Bedstraw
    Bedstraw Gallium aparina (white)  Fiber for the soul, works on strengthening the chakra connections to provide clear channels of communication. Releases toxins related to the digestive system and it¹s...

  • Bellwort
    $13.00 Bellwort
    Bellwort Uvularia sessilifolia (creamy yellow) Centering. Focus. Works through the heart chakra and 2nd chakra. Balances emotions and I AM channel/column. For those who hang their heads, hunch shoulders, feeling...

  • Black Cohosh
    $13.00 Black Cohosh
    Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa (ivory) Blood flow, opens vascular system. More oxygen in system. Body cleaner - expels toxins. Flushing When body feels constricted and "on hold" due to inability to move forward...

  • Black Cohosh Wild
    $13.00 Black Cohosh Wild
    Black Cohosh Wild   Cimicifuga racemosa (white) Dark emotions, someone who draws others to them to overpower them.  Manipulation, disguise...

  • Black Eyed Susan
    $13.00 Black Eyed Susan
    Black-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta (yellow/black center) Ability to move forward with grace and decisiveness. Action oriented, that extra drive to get things done and move ahead. Procrastination, lethargy. Use when...

  • Black Hollyhock
    $13.00 Black Hollyhock
    Black Hollyhock Alcea rosea nigra (black)  Content and safety within or in union with "the void". Also for introspection and rest. To treat exhaustion. Mourning the death of oneself, the death of old...

  • Blackberry
    $13.00 Blackberry
    Blackberry Rubus allegheniensis (white) Body Systems, Procrastination, Energy, Vitality, Goals, Depression, Inspiration Harmonious Expression: A free flow of one’s energy towards accomplishing one’s...

  • Blazing Star
    $13.00 Blazing Star
    Blazing Star Liatris spicata (purple)  Enhances psychic abilities and other talents. Allows the ego voice to step aside so natural talents/gifts and abilities can come through...

  • Bleeding Heart
    $13.00 Bleeding Heart
    Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabile (red) Useful for fear, sadness, grief and defeat. Helps one to find strength and understanding in forgiveness and unconditional love. soothes sore/wounded hearts. The courage to...

  • Bloodroot
    $13.00 Bloodroot
    Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis (white with yellow center) Body Systems, Balance, Spiritual, Nervousness, Loneliness, Stress. Rising above it all. Ability to reach for higher thoughts and vibrations. Spiritual...

  • Blue Mist
    $13.00 Blue Mist
    Blue Mist Caryopteris incana (blue)  Blue Mist types love to spread the word about God. Out of balance, they tend to be fanatic and are oblivious to others chosen beliefs. They impose themselves and their...

  • Blue Star
    $13.00 Blue Star
    Blue Star Amsonia tabernaemontana (steel blue) Stagnation, Dreams, Meditation, Guidance, Astral Travel. Great for those stuck in daydreaming or those who need to learn to daydream more. There is a healthy...

  • Blue Vervain
    $13.00 Blue Vervain
    Blue Vervain Verbena hastate (purple) Cleansing quality refreshes energy channels. Good for those stuck in old habits and thoughts. Refreshing. Erases preconceived ideas that do not ring true. Fiber for the soul,...

  • Boneset
    $13.00 Boneset
    Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum (white)  Over-emotional and held back feelings, excessive water weight or imbalances. Good for those being drained of life force energy through bodily fluid lose. Great for...

  • Borage
    $13.00 Borage
    Borage Borago officinalis (blue) Courage, Nerves, Fear, Vulnerability. Works with the sinuses, throat and voice chakra area. Encourages vocal expression of ideas and thoughts for those that lean towards silence. Allowing...

  • Broccoli
    $13.00 Broccoli
    Broccoli Brassica oleracea (yellow)   Helps one to achieve balance when one is feeling unsafe, unprotected, attacked, threatened or separated. Helps maintain healthy balance and use of power. ...

  • Burdock
    $13.00 Burdock
    Burdock Arctium minus (purple)  Intense anger and frustration that one finds hard to let go of. Entities, feeling possessed, past life dramas Also helps access info more easily and pull it down into useable form...

  • Buttercup
    $13.00 Buttercup
    Buttercup Ranunculus occidentalis (yellow) Self Esteem, Sense of Self. The cup of gold overflows and is in your hands. Self nourishment is our to take in whenever we want. Small flower with enormous energy potential...

  • Butterfly Bush
    $13.00 Butterfly Bush
    Butterfly Bush Buddliea davidii (purple) Charismatic and approachable you. Take this to attract the right people, places and things in your life. Realizing not every opportunity is the right one. Being about to sort...

  • Calendula
    $13.00 Calendula
    Calendula Calendula officinalis(Yellow)  Dependable, productive and responsible. You can count of Calendula types. They are always there when you need them or in the background in case you might. Hardy individuals...

  • California Poppy
    $13.00 California Poppy
    California Poppy Escholzia california (yellow/orange) Cleansing, Heart. For Heart Charka energy - acts as a satellite signaling back to us the true reflection of our importance and potential. For those who over shadow...

  • California Poppy Yellow
    $13.00 California Poppy Yellow
    California Poppy Yellow Escholzia california (yellow)   For those so self absorbed they lack compassion and empathy for others. Can be a very wounded soul who looks outside of him her/self for validation,...

  • Caraway
    $13.00 Caraway
    Caraway Carum carvi (white)  Use when feeling uncreative with niggling doubts keep showing up to invalidate your creativity. Feeling scattered, not focused enough to tap into creativity. Imbalances in low sperm count...

  • Carrot
    $13.00 Carrot
    Carrot Daucus carota (White)  Soothing to reproductive system. Useful for eyes and spinal column and immune system. Clears the spinal column, sacrum, and cranial plates and allows one's ego and mental body to "step...

  • Catmint
    $13.00 Catmint
    Catmint Napeta mussinii (purple)   Slows you down, to dream, meditate and make time go slow. Lazy days comes to mind. For those that need to slow down and chill out. Helps those who are over active and...

  • Catnip
    $13.00 Catnip
    Catnip Nepeta cataria (lavender)   Stimulates visions and dreamlike states for those seeking deeper inner journeys. Brings peaceful state of bliss while observing life from within oneself. Helpful for those...

  • Cauliflower
    $13.00 Cauliflower
    Cauliflower Brassica oleracea (white)   Healthy brain tissue healthy tissues. For issues around tissues, cysts, negative pockets, clumping, cellulite. Dehydration. Keeps body and tissues fluid. Releases...

  • Centaurea montana
    $13.00 Centaurea montana
    Centaurea montana Centaurea montana (blue) Replaces hard feelings and irresponsibility and negativity with understanding and also clears those feelings. Works similarly to Feverfew. Useful for adolescents...

  • Cerastium "Snow In Summer"
    $13.00 Cerastium "Snow In Summer"
    Cerastium "Snow In Summer" Cerastium tomentosum (white) Purifies emotions, emotions filled with guilt, shame, impurity. Cleanliness of self and emotions. Incest survivors, those sexual abused. One's purity and...

  • Chamomile
    $13.00 Chamomile
    Chamomile Chamomile recutita (white/yellow center) Calmness, Balance of Yin Yang energy. When feeling over yin or yang - brings them into harmony.  Taking time to breath in the moment.  Finding time to...

  • Chinese Chestnut
    $13.00 Chinese Chestnut
    Chinese Chestnut Castanea mollissima (Castanea mollissima) For those who are hyper-vigilant. They have sensory feelers out trying to sum up the situation before going forward or retreating. Can be deeply loving but...

  • Chinese Forget Me Not
    $13.00 Chinese Forget Me Not
    Chinese Forget-Me-Not Brunnera macrophylla (blue) Temper tantrums, holding one's breath. Retaining and reconnecting to the knowledge we come into this world with. Remembering who we really are and where we come...

  • Chionodoxa  Glory of the Snow
    $13.00 Chionodoxa Glory of the Snow
    Chionodoxa Glory of the Snow (blue) Lovely little flowers that draw you into it's delicate but hearty beauty. For those who need that extra boost of hearty generosity and forgiveness in times of struggle. Aligns you...

  • Chive
    $13.00 Chive
    Chive Allium schoenprasum (purple) Balance, Yin/Yang, Brain Balance Supports our learning to find balance in all we do. Soft/Strong, Hard/Flexible. Seeing the opposites and how they rely on each other. Harmonious...

  • Cilantro
    $13.00 Cilantro
    Cilantro Coriandrum sativum (white) Allows for one's own time to blossom; such as puberty and other life changes. Slows down pace if being pushed by outside influences. Finding your right timing in life. Great for...

  • Clary Sage
    $13.00 Clary Sage
    Clary Sage Salvia sclarea (lavender and white) Groundedness, Disconnection, Primal, Instinctual, Sexual. Trauma, Nervousness, Fear, Nervous System. Repulsed by primal and normal body functions and smells,...