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Individual Essences

All of our stock (concentrate) Flower Essences are preserved in brandy and sold in 1/2 ounce (15 ml) Miron violet glass bottles.

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Flowers12 Purchase 12-19 Flower Essences for $12.00 each
Flowers20 Purchase 20  + Flower Essences for $10.50 each

Click on product name for full description.

  • Clematis "Ernest Markham"
    $13.00 Clematis "Ernest Markham"
    Clematis "Ernest Markham" Clematis X "Ernest Markham" (fuchsia) Present, Indifference, Reconnection. Works from base chakra to crown addressing the need within us all to elevate and stretch ourselves at all times...

  • Cleome
    $13.00 Cleome
    Cleome Cleome hassleriana (pink) Straightens the spine and healthy nerve growth. Healthy spine/bones to keep you standing tall with the crown chakra raised high with dignity. Helpful to those with bad posture, slumping...

  • Climbing Nightshade
    $13.00 Climbing Nightshade
    Climbing Nightshade Solanum dulcamara (purple/yellow center) A Flower Essence for being adventurous and daring. Willing to take a risk, always stretching for things out of your reach and getting them. Going head...

  • Columbine
    $13.00 Columbine
    Columbine Aguilegia (purple) Integration of the higher chakras. Making sense of the unknown. There is also the joy of movement associated with this flower essence, which in turn stimulates all of the chakras in a...

  • Comfrey
    $13.00 Comfrey
    Comfrey Symphytum officinale (purple) Groundedness, Disconnection, Optimality, Instinctual, Sexual. Trauma, Nervousness, Fear, Nervous System. Repulsed by primal and normal body functions and smells, including...

  • Common Nightshade
    $13.00 Common Nightshade
    Common Nightshade Solanum americanum (white) For those who seek revenge to others who have harmed them or someone they love. Great for those who hold grudges and cannot let them go. There is a dark mood held,...

  • Coral Bells
    $13.00 Coral Bells
    Coral Bells Heuchera sanguinea (Shell Pink) Holding one's resonance, works with vibrational energies, clairaudience, pockets of sound vibration. Clears congestion in ears and sinuses - usually due to not listening to...

  • Coreopsis "Moonbeam"
    $13.00 Coreopsis "Moonbeam"
    Coreopsis "Moonbeam" Coreopsis verticillata (pale yellow) Silent strength, respectful while easily and happily takes responsibly for the group. The quiet protector. For those who act as the weak link and impose...

  • Corsican Mint
    $13.00 Corsican Mint
    Corsican Mint Mentha requienii (lavender) Re-growth. fear of loosing one's youth, options, hairline. As one gets older one may loose one's adaptability and flexibility. Offers new pathways of growth. Stimulates...

  • Cosmos
    $13.00 Cosmos
    Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus (dark pink) Repression, Throat, Communication, Clarity, Performing. Accelerates and supports open heartedness and expression of one's self. Like being Cinderella (or Prince Charming), showing...

  • Crabapple
    $13.00 Crabapple
    Crabapple Malus (pink) Helps one to move past judgments and negativity and criticism of others and self. Heals from the place of knowing that this behavior is a reflection of one’s attitude toward...

  • Crested Iris
    $13.00 Crested Iris
    Crested Iris Iris cristata (purple with white) Divine Love, Abandonment, Co-dependency, Root Chakra, Crown Chakra, Expansiveness, Loneliness, Inner Child, Childhood Trauma. The Ultimate "I AM" Flower Essence...

  • Daffodil "Ice Follies"
    $13.00 Daffodil "Ice Follies"
    Daffodil "Ice Follies" Narcissus “Ice Follies” (ivory) Strings of pearls of wisdom, intuitive problem solving, opening up to collective consciousness while able to process on a mental level...

  • Daffodil "King Alfred"
    $13.00 Daffodil "King Alfred"
    Daffodil "King Alfred" Narcissus “King Alfred” (yellow) The scholar who loves to share his knowledge vs. the scholar who uses his intellect to impress others. Helps one to formulate thoughts into...

  • Dandelion
    $13.00 Dandelion
    Dandelion Taraxacum officinale (yellow) Release, Relaxation Relax, chill out, make space to sprawl out in the grass. Having the ability to adapt to change and thrive wherever you are. Free flowing energy and...

  • Delphinium Purple
    $13.00 Delphinium Purple
    Delphinium - Purple Delphinium "Pacific Coast hybrid" (deep purple) Spiritual brain children, spontaneous bursts of enlightenment. For those stuck spiritually, thwarted or repressed. Being released for dogma and...

  • Deutzia
    $13.00 Deutzia
    Deutzia  Deutzia gracilis (white) Gives strength while retaining a softness. For those who feel they need more yang energy to be productive. Great for women who take on the male role in order to survive in the...

  • Dianthus "Lace"
    $13.00 Dianthus "Lace"
    Dianthus "Lace" Dianthus plum Arius "Lace" (fuchsia) Lung energy filtering essence. Brings increased flower and useful for asthma like conditions. Useful to those who shut out the world because what is happening...

  • Dianthus "Tiny Rubies"
    $13.00 Dianthus "Tiny Rubies"
    Dianthus "Tiny Rubies" Dianthus gratianoplitanus (medium pink) Promotes harmony in social settings. Think well of other and they will think well of you. Community minded, finding a common goal and appreciation of being...

  • Dill
    $13.00 Dill
    Dill  Anethum graveolens (yellow) Nerves, Tension, Stress, Overwhelmed, Integration of Information Stimulates healthy brain activity and energy, while creating new path way of thinking and processing. Enhances...

  • Dogwood
    $13.00 Dogwood
    Dogwood Cornus sibirica variegata (white) My bark is louder than my bite. I tend to stand in the background emotionally but put a vibrato out there for protection. I'm really quite kind and vulnerable. For the...

  • Draba
    $13.00 Draba
    Draba Draba densiflora (yellow) For opinionated individuals who do not think outside the box. Prejudiced, opinionated, withholding. There is no flow to their thoughts or ideas - stagnant thought processing. Helps...

  • Elecampane
    $13.00 Elecampane
    Elecampane Inula helenium (yellow) Fear scares the breath out of you. Hair raising fear that makes you want to just run away. Fear that has no rational. Works with primordial fears, when fight or flight instinct...

  • Evening Primrose
    $13.00 Evening Primrose
    Evening Primrose Oenethera missouriensis (yellow) Willingness to see one's issues, going within, unconscious and subconscious awareness that can bring the issues into the light. Enutero memories and trauma...

  • Fernleaf Buckthorn
    $13.00 Fernleaf Buckthorn
    Fernleaf Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula (Ivory) Getting caught up in the details, thus lose the truth. I can do it this way or I can do it that way……just do it! Following through on intuition and not...

  • Feverfew
    $13.00 Feverfew
    Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium (white) Releases repressed/stuffed emotions and viewpoints and unwinds the energetic blocks around these. Also unwinds mental confusion and headaches related to such. Mentally...

  • Fireweed
    $13.00 Fireweed
    Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium (deep pink) Regenerative Essence. Use with high fevers, hot flashes and feeling burnt out. For those that overwork, overdo, over and over again. Generates new view of how you can...

  • Forget Me Not
    $13.00 Forget Me Not
    Forget-Me-Not Myosotis alpestris (blue) Guided, Dreams, Vision, Remembrance. Keeping precious thoughts, dream, memories nearby to retrieve the good feelings associated with them. Ne m'oubliez pas - Forget-Me-Not...

  • Foxglove
    $13.00 Foxglove
    Foxglove Digitalis purpurea (rosy purple) For weak arteries and blood pressure issues, helps to open heart valves more efficiently. All of this is due to feeling life has given them too many blows and losses...

  • Foxglove (Yellow)
    $13.00 Foxglove (Yellow)
    Foxglove -Yellow Digitalis ambigua grandiflora (yellow) Connects to and releases terror. Feelings of being blocked or trapped in sadness. Inability to move up the emotional scale or find relief. Helps one to...

  • Fringetree
    $13.00 Fringetree
    Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus (white) Flexibility, adaptability, body filter, physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. Great for those highly sensitive, including sensory integration issues. Auric...

  • Garlic
    $13.00 Garlic
    Garlic Allium sativum (white or soft lavender) Fear, Solar Plexus, Immune When one too easily gives their energy away consciously or unconsciously. Gives one feeling of being protected or in a white bubble. Being...

  • Garlic Chives
    $13.00 Garlic Chives
    Garlic Chives Allium tuberosum (white) For being well grounded and secure in one's body and on earth. Strong earth connection. Nurtured by the earth and the heavens. For those not making the connection between...

  • Geranium Sanguineum
    $13.00 Geranium Sanguineum
    Geranium Sanguineum Geranium sanguineum (magenta) "Increases receptivity to higher vibrations - satellite dish - better reception - in I Prosper combination essence. Opens receptions to other possibilities and...

  • German Catchfly
    $13.00 German Catchfly
    German Catchfly Silene armeria (pink)  Protection from body energy getting stuck or rusty. Great Flower Essences when one feels stuck on the hamster wheel - on any level. Keeps the gears going for energy to...

  • Giant Bellflower
    $13.00 Giant Bellflower
    Giant Bellflower Campulula latifola (purple) Sing, speak, read poetry - all form of vocalization as an artistic expression. Gives one courage to perform on stage. Works with stage fright - giving rise to higher...

  • Ginseng
    $13.00 Ginseng
    Ginseng Panax quinquefolium (green) Balance, Power, Grounded, Centered, Weakness, Disconnection For those unprepared to allow for positive change or shift. Too deeply rooted in their life to see the outside...

  • Globe Thistle
    $13.00 Globe Thistle
    Globe Thistle Echinops ritro (silvery purple) Giving and Receiving with a sense of contraction/boundaries. Often the imbalance is seen as a contradiction of energy; come near - go away. They want so much to...

  • Golden Marguerite
    $13.00 Golden Marguerite
    Golden Marguerite Anthemis tinctoria (yellow) I want to be happy at any cost. I'll smile even when I'm unhappy because it is the only thing I know I can do to keep going. For those who want so much to be liked...

  • Goldenrod
    $13.00 Goldenrod
    Goldenrod Solidago graminitolia (yellow) Great flower essence that shines light on the subject that needs attention. Are you making a mountain out of a molehill? Surviving vs. thriving? Not open to change that...

  • Goldenseal
    $13.00 Goldenseal
    Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis (white) Support from the earth and our parents to fully be who we are. There is an amazing support system than insures success and survival. Like strong hands holding you up until...

  • Grape Hyacinth
    $13.00 Grape Hyacinth
    Grape Hyacinth Muscari armeniacum (purple) Collective consciousness. Great for deep spiritual grid work. When there is collective consciousness, there is no separation. There is good intention for all. Use for...

  • Green Nicotiana
    $13.00 Green Nicotiana
    Green Nicotiana Nicotiana langsdorfii (green) Connection to the Earth, specifically connected to the Earth and her healing properties. Can help to dilate bronchial tubes and encourages one to breath deeply and...

  • Ground Ivy
    $13.00 Ground Ivy
    Ground Ivy Nepeta hederacea (purple) Sense of adventure in enjoying being earthly beings. Attunement to the earth, groundedness. For those who are clingy and full of 1st chakra issue blocks. Great for separation...

  • Heliopsis
    $13.00 Heliopsis
    Heliopsis Heliopsis scabra "Summer Sun" (yellow) Positive Vortex alignment, brings light into areas that have had dim exposure to divine light. Use for all body levels and for home and land. Gives you ability to...

  • Hepatica
    $13.00 Hepatica
    Hepatica Hepatica americana (Soft Lavender) Gentle filter for impurities in the body. Polishes energy flows in the body. Polishing with continuous gentle maintenance of the energetic gems - which are the energy...

  • Heucherella "Foamy Bells"
    $13.00 Heucherella "Foamy Bells"
    Heucherella "Foamy Bells" Heuchera x tiarelloides (pink/white) Supports: What you see is what you get. There are no hidden agendas or games being played. Here I am Essence, love me or leave me. Secure in who they...

  • Holly
    $13.00 Holly
    Holly Ilex meserveae (white) For those with prickly personalities that judge, criticize, retaliate and lash out at others. This behavior communicates, "don't mess with me. I've been hurt before, but this time...

  • Hollyhock Dark Pink
    $13.00 Hollyhock Dark Pink
    Hollyhock - Dark Pink Alcea rosea (dark pink) Brings lightness and expansiveness to being. Bubbly like champagne. Connected to fairy realm, this hollyhock is the one most suited to children. Lifts depression. Use...

  • Hollyhock Deep Pink
    $13.00 Hollyhock Deep Pink
    Hollyhock - Deep Pink Alcea rosea (deep pink) "Allow me to surround you with my deepest heartfelt love and concern. I am here and always will be," is the message from this essence, “Surrender and relax in...