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Individual Essences

All of our stock (concentrate) Flower Essences are preserved in brandy and sold in 1/2 ounce (15 ml) Miron violet glass bottles.

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Flowers12 Purchase 12-19 Flower Essences for $12.00 each
Flowers20 Purchase 20  + Flower Essences for $10.50 each

Click on product name for full description.

  • Honeysuckle
    $13.00 Honeysuckle
    Honeysuckle Lonicera pereclymenum (pink/yellow) Approachable and receptive. For those very shy, this essences transmits an energetic feeling of being available for further communication and connection. These...

  • Honeysuckle White
    $13.00 Honeysuckle White
    Honeysuckle - White Lonicera japonica (white) There is sweetness in my knowledge and ideas. Honeysuckle draws you to it's wisdom and leaves you with an additional gift in appreciation of your attention. Inspires...

  • Horseradish
    $13.00 Horseradish
    Horseradish Amoracia rusticana (white) Harmonious Expression: A strong connection to our internal power source and the ability to be pro-active and move through life creating balance.  Inharmonious...

  • Houseleek
    $13.00 Houseleek
    Houseleek Sempervivum (rose-pink) Female, Reproduction, Pregnancy Aids with issues around fertility and creativity in life. The ability to conceive or conceptualize physically, intellectually, spiritually and...

  • Hyssop
    $13.00 Hyssop
    Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis (purple) Guilt, Self-judgment, Peace, Responsibility. This plant says "forgive me for the things I do because I was only did what I was told to." There is a passing off of...

  • Indian Tobacco
    $13.00 Indian Tobacco
    Indian Tobacco Lobelia inflata (blue) For being true to who you are and for having the courage and clarity to speak the truth you are in connection with. Those caught in illusions - distorted sense of self. They...

  • Iris Black Bearded
    $13.00 Iris Black Bearded
    Iris - Black Bearded Iris germanica (black) Brings creative inspiration into poetic form. Inspirational thoughts and ideas of a high vibration. Spiritual creativity and inspiration. Helpful to those who seeking...

  • Iris Carrie Lee
    $13.00 Iris Carrie Lee
    Iris - Carrie Lee Iris sibirica (rosy pink) Use this essence when the work you do is directly linked to expressing human emotions of tenderness and love.  This will also augment heart centered feelings more...

  • Iris Lavender Bearded
    $13.00 Iris Lavender Bearded
    Iris - Lavender Bearded Iris germanica (lavender) Tapping into spiritual creativity that is useful from within one's past, present or future selves. Reception of creative ideas from all dimensions and worlds...

  • Iris Light Blue
    $13.00 Iris Light Blue
    Iris - Light Blue Iris sibirica - light blue (light blue) Light hearted playful energy. Gentle soft nature. For those faint of heart. Brings calm to others, but can attract those who cry out for that calmness...

  • Iris Pink Haze
    $13.00 Iris Pink Haze
    Iris - Pink Haze Iris sibirica – pink (pink) For those who keep their expectations low to avoid disappointment and choose against following their heart. Supports one following one’s inspired...

  • Iris Yellow Flag
    $13.00 Iris Yellow Flag
    Iris - Yellow Flag   Iris pseudacorus (yellow) Great for journalists, writers, those who use their words to create visual images. Take when making presentations, sales calls ...... appeals to the our...

  • Iris “Flight of the Butterflies”
    $13.00 Iris “Flight of the Butterflies”
    Iris “Flight of the Butterflies” Iris sibirica "Flight of the Butterflies"(purple, with white, yellow and brown) Joy, Beauty, Creativity, Harmony, Expansion. Inspirational creative ideas that can be...

  • Italian Alkanet
    $13.00 Italian Alkanet
    Italian Alkanet  Anchusa azurea (blue) one with the "mystery schools teachings". Initiation. For late bloomers, those that need to mature in which ever way they are thwarted. Delayed maturation is due to...

  • Ivory Hollyhock
    $13.00 Ivory Hollyhock
    Ivory Hollyhock Alcea roseum (Ivory) Despondency, Despair, Faith, Divinity, Challenge. For those who desire to be alone and recharge their spiritual batteries and for those who's spiritual batteries have not been...

  • Ivory Pin Cushion
    $13.00 Ivory Pin Cushion
    Ivory Pin Cushion  Scabiosa ochroleuca (ivory) Allows skin to aspirate and respirate more effectively.  Great for use with skin allergies or sensory integration issues.  For those overly sensitive...

  • Lady’s Mantle
    $13.00 Lady’s Mantle
    Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla mollis (Chartreuse) Mothering, Pregnancy, Childhood Trauma, Compassion, Love Delicate. Nurtures and nurishes the soul by giving it the extra support one needs while supporting it's independence...

  • Lamb's Ears
    $13.00 Lamb's Ears
    Lamb's Ears Stachys lanata (purple) Brings tenderness and gentleness to those who tend to be rough and inappropriate in their words and touch. Use of words to promote kindness. Verbal kindness. Those with sword tongues...

  • Lavender
    $13.00 Lavender
    Lavender Lavendula officinalis (violet) Soothing, Calming, Peace "filled" I stand strong and delicious even whey the situation is less than desirable for others. I radiate, expand and go with the flow and thrive. I am...

  • Leek
    $13.00 Leek
    Leek Allium porrum (white) Releasing the veil, taking off the cover. Allows one to really see one's world in it's entirety. For those who hide under emotions or have valid or invalid reasons to hide. It is ok to come out and...

  • Lemon Balm
    $13.00 Lemon Balm
    Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis (white) Soothing aching muscles and nerves. Calms the body to allow for relaxation. Mental burn out that brings on muscle fatigue. Bring body awareness of how one is using their...

  • Lemon Lily
    $13.00 Lemon Lily
    Lemon Lily Hemerocallis flava (yellow) Acceptance of one's femininity, nurturing energies and the Goddess Stream within one's self. Announces to plants that it is time to bloom. The voice of Mother Nature. Connects one to...

  • Lilac Deep Purple
    $13.00 Lilac Deep Purple
    Lilac - Deep Purple Syringa vulgaris (deep purple) Universal unity and elevation. Bringing all into perfect sync for the highest good of the universe and beyond. "As it already is, so we all shall be." The divine...

  • Lilac Double Lavender
    $13.00 Lilac Double Lavender
    Lilac- Double Lavender Syringa vulgaris (pink) Having the ability to see the different contrasts in life that makes our personal preferences clearer. The ability to see the forest and the trees lucidly. Helps with...

  • Lilac Double White
    $13.00 Lilac Double White
    Redirects our energies to those of renewal and rejuvenation. Great essences for recreating yourself, your work, your life. Blank slate, new start without having to "clean away or remove" anything in order to renew. Pure...

  • Lilac Littleleaf
    $13.00 Lilac Littleleaf
    Lilac - Littleleaf Syringa microphylla superba (pink)  Attention and appreciation to details. Understanding that each cell contributes to the whole. This translates into humanity, nature and all that is. Helps one to...

  • Lilac Old Fashioned
    $13.00 Lilac Old Fashioned
    Lilac - Old Fashioned Syringa vulgaris (light purple) Works directly with the structure of the body and it's amazing pathways of energy and communication. Works with the given blueprint given at birth. Each...

  • Lilac Pink
    $13.00 Lilac Pink
    Lilac - Pink Syringa vulgaris (pink) Let Romance fill the air. I breath of love, sweetness, spring, youth and joy. Back to basics, back to self. Resets and renews energy for relationships that lack sweetness -...

  • Lily  (Light Pink)
    $13.00 Lily (Light Pink)
    Lily - Light Pink Lillium aurelianse (light pink) Brings softness to feelings that have become rigid and unyielding. Radiates happy nostalgia and memories to associations that we felt let down by. Allows us to...

  • Lily  (White)
    $13.00 Lily (White)
    Lily - White Lillium longiflorum (white)  Open to information without prejudice or preconceived judgements. Hearing with pure integrity, not based on what one has been told, should think or culturally...

  • Lily of the Valley
    $13.00 Lily of the Valley
    Lily of the Valley Convallaria major (white) Offers us strands of pearls of wisdom. With these pearls of wisdom, we are able to access and apply the productive tools we have learned in and about life to navigate us to our...

  • Lotus
    $13.00 Lotus
    Lotus Nelumbo nucifera (pink) Lotus, what doesn't this essence treat? It does it all. It anchors the higher energies and the energies related to the upper chakras, (above the 7th) into the body. Strengthens other remedies in...

  • Lovage
    $13.00 Lovage
    Lovage Levisticom officinale (chartreuse) Awkwardness, Joy, Grief, Negativity, Expression Fear of blood, healthy blood flow 2nd chakra, menstrual issues phobia, at peace with menstruation and with their body...

  • Lupine  (Reddish purple)
    $13.00 Lupine (Reddish purple)
    Lupine - reddish purple Lupinus perennis (reddish purple) 1st Chakra energy blended with 7th chakra energy. The merge of actions that inspire energy to move in harmony to bring more inspired action and awareness on...

  • Lupine  (Yellow and Peach)
    $13.00 Lupine (Yellow and Peach)
    Lupine - yellow and peach Lupinus perennis (yellow and peach) Acceptance and self-esteem around femininity. Brings joy into the 3rd chakra. useful for digestive and abdominal problems. Helps release tears and...

  • Lupine  (Yellow)
    $13.00 Lupine (Yellow)
    Lupine - yellow Lupinus perennis (yellow) For those searching for answers and getting caught up in their thoughts and not knowing what to think. They feel shut down from options - nowhere to go. Helps one to find the...

  • Malva Sylvestris
    $13.00 Malva Sylvestris
    Malva Sylvestris Malva sylvestris subsp. Mauritiana (deep maroon) Cleanses and balances elimination systems and organs, increases blood flower for healthy waste removal. Bowel distress, IBS, constipation,...

  • Malva Zebrina
    $13.00 Malva Zebrina
    Malva Zebrina Malva zebrina (lavender with maroon) Harmonious Expression: Integration of body,mind and soul: accepting these three distinctive aspects of self as one. A divine knowing of your true self, your...

  • Maple
    $13.00 Maple
    Maple Acer saccharum (light green) This essence is from a tree with a solid and tight-grained wood. The tree roots exude a substance that keeps most other plants from growing under it and thus protects it’s nutrient...

  • Marigold (Lemon Gem)
    $13.00 Marigold (Lemon Gem)
    Marigold “Lemon Gem” Taygetes patula (yellow) Getting rid of self-judgment and distorted truths. Helps to bring ideas and thoughts into clear fruition and focus. Allows for timely unfolding of information to be...

  • Mauve Mullein
    $13.00 Mauve Mullein
    Mauve Mullein Verbascum phoeniceum hybrids (mauve) Harmonious Expression: Healthy functioning of the sixth and seventh and upper chakras. Ability to access information and receive energy through those...

  • Mayapple
    $13.00 Mayapple
    Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum (white) Premature timing. When timing isn't synchronized for highest good. Rushing in before ready or aligned. Requires calm energy for timing to be synchronized. Wanting something so...

  • Mimulus
    $13.00 Mimulus
    Mimulus Mimulus (yellow with red spots) Great for creative blocks and bursts of energy while working. Stimulates creativity and inspirational work. For those burnt out and lacking imagination and passion for the creative...

  • Money Plant
    $13.00 Money Plant
    Money Plant Lunaria annua (purple) Self Worth, Receiving, Giving, Abundance  Harmonious Expression: A life that has a natural flow of giving and receiving. Feeling worthy and therefore able to receive...

  • Money Plant  (White)
    $13.00 Money Plant (White)
    Money Plant - White Lunaria annua alba (white) Self Worth, Receiving, Giving, Abundance Harmonious Expression: A healthy balanced sense of one’s worth and one’s right to be present in the world...

  • Monkshood
    $13.00 Monkshood
    Monkshood Aconitum napellus (dark purple) Inner Knowing, Identity, Self, Disconnection from Self, Meditation, Life Work  Harmonious Expression: A clear sense of who one is, a clear sense of identity. A...

  • Moonshine Yarrow
    $13.00 Moonshine Yarrow
    Moonshine Yarrow Achillea taygetea (lemon yellow) Calm, Protection, Boundaries, Stress, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Harmonious Expression: Feeling calm, centered and whole with healthy appropriate...

  • Morning Glory
    $13.00 Morning Glory
    Morning Glory Ipomoea purpurea (blue) Helps take the nervous jittery feeling energy/anxiety and transform it into a smoother stream. Helps with tremulousness, nervous habits, and also assist one in opening to their...

  • Motherwort
    $13.00 Motherwort
    Motherwort Leonurus cardiacus (purple) For knowing and realizing the fullness and power of femininity and the great Mother. (Kathrin¹s note: Can be used where there is hardness of any type. When there hasn¹t been enough...

  • Mountain Pennyroyal
    $13.00 Mountain Pennyroyal
    Mountain Pennyroyal Monardella odoratissima (light purple) Spiritual amplification system. Enhances and attracts more epiphanies that brings large rotes of information to us in bulk downloads! Seeking deeper...