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Individual Essences

All of our stock (concentrate) Flower Essences are preserved in brandy and sold in 1/2 ounce (15 ml) Miron violet glass bottles.

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Flowers12 Purchase 12-19 Flower Essences for $12.00 each
Flowers20 Purchase 20  + Flower Essences for $10.50 each

Click on product name for full description.

  • Mugwort
    $13.00 Mugwort
    Mugwort Artemisia douglasiana (green) Intuition, Psychic, Clairvoyance, Receptivity, Spiritual, Wisdom Harmonious expression: Sense of being-ness and openness to sacred knowledge. Being able to integrate one’s...

  • Mullein
    $13.00 Mullein
    Mullein Verbascum thapsus (yellow) Gives one the courage to bring their beliefs and ideas to manifestation in a way that is logical and understandable to the masses. Use when teaching or wanting to more effectively promote...

  • Narcissus "Thalia"
    $13.00 Narcissus "Thalia"
    Narcissus "Thalia" Narcissus "Thalia" (Ivory) Gentle cleanser and dialator of energy, moving energy forward in a pure direction filled with light. Paves the way for cleaner energy. (research)

  • Nasturtium
    $13.00 Nasturtium
    Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus (red) Great for nail bitters, chronic nibblers, those with eating disorders. Sense of not feeling full, nervous energy around the jaw. Those who keep quiet when they should speak up and this...

  • Neomarica
    $13.00 Neomarica
    Neomarica Neomarica northiana (purple, with white, yellow and brown) For spiritual writers and writing. Provides practical translation and language . Finding the right words to go with the story needed while remaining...

  • Nettle / Female
    $13.00 Nettle / Female
    Nettle / Female Urtica dioica (white) Yin Energy. Backing off when trying to control the outcome. Being actively passive. Sitting back to be receptive and soft. Conception, pregnancy, waiting for promotion. Take when it is...

  • Nettle / Male
    $13.00 Nettle / Male
    Nettle / Male Urtica dioica (white) Yang Energy. Boosts male virility and strength within one's abilities. Weight lifters, when bursts of energy are required to accomplish task. Use when propagating in life, business and...

  • Nettle Male and Female Flowers
    $13.00 Nettle Male and Female Flowers
    Nettle-male & female flowers Urtica dioica (green)) Ideal when the male and female flowers are combined to make one essence. his essence feels quite different from the herb. In essence form it feels like mother...

  • Okra
    $13.00 Okra
    Okra  Abelmoschus Esculentus (pale yellow) Releases terror, panic and fear from all chakras. (strongest on lower 4 chakras) Okra personalities hold their emotional weight and baggage in the lower chakras, which shows itself...

  • Opium Poppy
    $13.00 Opium Poppy
    Opium Poppy Papaver sominifera (pink/purple spots) Permits being inverted into one's interior world. Seeing from the soul's eyes with human perceptions of this world. Expansion, aura exercises, experimenting with boundaries...

  • Orange Hawkweed
    $13.00 Orange Hawkweed
    Orange Hawkweed Hieracium aurantiacum (Orange) Healthy self esteem, sense of self, healthy 3rd chakra. Use for arrogance, inflated egos, and for those that need to light a flame to let their confidence shine. I quietly...

  • Orchid  (White w/green)
    $13.00 Orchid (White w/green)
    Orchid - white w/green Phalaenopsis ? (white with green) Individual life force energy that is comfortable with its own individuality. Being comfortable and appreciating oneself being on the fringe, being unique,...

  • Oregano
    $13.00 Oregano
    Oregano Oreganum vulgare (white) Healing energy that targets the areas that need to be addressed and healed. This flower essences is like a heat seeking missile that diffuses the distructive or interrupted energies...

  • Oxeye Daisy
    $13.00 Oxeye Daisy
    Oxeye Daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (white/yellow center) Gives the ability to see people for who they really are including yourself. For those who are not being who they really are and showing them the contradiction they...

  • Painted Trillium
    $13.00 Painted Trillium
    Painted Trillium Trillium undulatum (white with maroon brush marks) There is no loss you are experiencing within. There is the ebb and flow of life's energies. One replenishes the other. There is balance in these energies...

  • Pale Corydalis
    $13.00 Pale Corydalis
    Pale Corydalis Corydalis sempervirums (pink & yellow) Change, Transitions, Panic, Surrender, Fear, Karmic Lessons. Harmonious Expression: The ability to surrender to change or destiny without losing...

  • Pansy
    $13.00 Pansy
    Pansy Pansy x wittrockiana "Baby Lucia" (purple with white) This works like Goldenseal root but at a quicker vibratory rate. Use for flues and colds. This essence works well for children's colds, flues, infections,...

  • Pear
    $13.00 Pear
    Pear Pyrus communis (white) Will bring a person (works in groups) into alignment with the highest good concerning relationship. Harmony. Magnifies group intention so all will remain focused on the outcome...

  • Pennyroyal
    $13.00 Pennyroyal
    Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium (purple) For those who get lost in the shuffle or just get lost in themselves, work, others, life….. Their energy is diluted to the point of them feeling like disappearing and not being seen...

  • Penstemon
    $13.00 Penstemon
    Penstemon Penstemon diffusus (purple) Overworked, Relaxation, Nurturing, Exhaustion Works with red blood cells in production and processing of protein. Perks up one's energy to feel replenished. Harmonious...

  • Penstemon "Elfin Pink"
    $13.00 Penstemon "Elfin Pink"
    Penstemon "Elfin Pink" Penstemon barbatus (pink) Exuberant exchange of energy. Ability to adapt without compromise. Balanced playful energy. For those who take their lives too seriously and are too extreme in their beliefs...

  • Penstemon "Hairy"
    $13.00 Penstemon "Hairy"
    Penstemon "Hairy" Penstemon hirsutus (purple) Speaking up for what one wants.  Full body expression of one's intention: speech, actions, body language, intention.  Brings one in alignment with goals.

  • Penstemon "Mesa"
    $13.00 Penstemon "Mesa"
    Penstemon “Mesa” Penstemon "Mesa" (dark purple) For those who use spirituality as their sword instead of using it for their highest good. Words of spirituality roll off their tongue but their life does not...

  • Peony  (Double Pink)
    $13.00 Peony (Double Pink)
    Peony - Double Pink Paeonia (Double Pink) For those who always are "pleasing" and kind, yet there is another layer of emotion underneath which is suppressed due to cultural/social climates. Found more often in...

  • Peony  (Double White)
    $13.00 Peony (Double White)
    Peony - Double White Paeonia (white) Cleans up emotional residue that residues in our memories. Residue can give clues, but not accurate information. With this Essence helpful information is restored, while...

  • Peony  (Red & Gold)
    $13.00 Peony (Red & Gold)
    Peony - Red & Gold Paeonia (cherry red) Brings one into present time, a natural unfoldment of maturity and wisdom to see "past the past" with a sense of adventure and excitement. For those thwarted in time, in...

  • Peony  (Single Pink)
    $13.00 Peony (Single Pink)
    Peony - Single Pink Paeonia (pink) Bouncing energy, responding to the wind and vibration of the earth. Nodding yes to the world. Yes, this is how you enjoy life. Say yes. Buoyancy, resilience, dancing with life...

  • Peony  (Single White)
    $13.00 Peony (Single White)
    Peony - Single White Paeonia (white) Independence Essence. Ignites low energy into high operating energy. Offers cleansing of energy like waves crashing on the shore. Brings in new, cleanses out old. An energy...

  • Pepper
    $13.00 Pepper
    Pepper Capsicum anuum (white) Takes in low energy. Gasping for breath - grasping for hope. Tend to hold head down. Needs to straighten up, take large deep breaths - breathing in higher energies - white light...

  • Perovskia
    $13.00 Perovskia
    Perovskia Perovskia atriplicifolia (lavender purple) Opens up the respiratory system and 3rd through 6th chakras. Expansion, lightness and joy overflowing from the heart and radiating outward. Feelings of abundance,...

  • Petunia
    $13.00 Petunia
    Petunia Petunia x hybrida (dark pink) Deals with time dimensions.  For those caught in the past while dealing with present and future issues.  Brings one into the present to move forward without the...

  • Phlox
    $13.00 Phlox
    Phlox Phlox paniculata (pink) Seeing and understanding the impact of our behavior on others. Energy either blocks us off from others or opens us to share ourselves with others. Also being open to what others have to offer...

  • Pink Lady's Slipper
    $13.00 Pink Lady's Slipper
    Pink Lady's Slipper Cypripedium acaule (pink) Reservoir Essence. Thrives in areas where vital energy is strong and this essence stores it to bring about energy healing. Great for all energy work. Like a vitamin B shot for...

  • Pink Yarrow
    $13.00 Pink Yarrow
    Pink Yarrow Achillea millefolium (pink) Healthy Boundaries, Depletion, Enmeshment Harmonious Expression: Having healthy boundaries between one’s self and others. Impervious to the emotions, opinions and negativity of...

  • Poke Root
    $13.00 Poke Root
    Poke Root Phytolacca americana (white) Works with sound. Releases anger and frustration, tension and blocked "stuck" energy through sound. Very physical. Good for heart and lungs

  • Poppy "Glowing Rose"
    $13.00 Poppy "Glowing Rose"
    Poppy "Glowing Rose" Papaver orientalis (pink) Getting to the heart of the matter. What is the end desired result? Brings core issues into light around heart chakra for healing and presentation to the world. (research)

  • Poppy Pink Oriental
    $13.00 Poppy Pink Oriental
    Poppy - Pink Oriental Papaver orientale (strong pink) Divine Love of self and others and all that is. Looking into the mirror of love, appreciation and gratitude while seeing and sensing more than believed possible...

  • Poppy Red Oriental
    $13.00 Poppy Red Oriental
    Poppy - Red Oriental Papaver orientalis (red) Helps one to detach from earthly pleasures and to seek inner soul journeys that bring about enlightenment. To retrieve what it within to bring out into the physical in order to...

  • Potato
    $13.00 Potato
    Potato Solanum tuberosum (purple) Anchors Divine light into the body and center/core though the crown chakra. Enables one to move through painful experiences, limitations and disease. (research)

  • Primrose
    $13.00 Primrose
    Primrose Primula japonica (rosy purple) Useful for when one has difficulty receiving love and being in a grounded in - i.e. living fully from the heart in the context of relationship. Has some relation to childhood wounds...

  • Pulmonaria
    $13.00 Pulmonaria
    Pulmonaria Pulmonaria officinalis (rich wine and purple flowers) Great for breath work, use after any anesthesia, lung meridian issue that need clearing. Increasing circulation in lung area, increases oxygen capacity in the...

  • Pulsatilla
    $13.00 Pulsatilla
    Pulsatilla Pulsatilla vulgaris (purple) For those who feel there is no space to breath, tightness in chest - afraid to breath, holding breath due to fear, fear of more pain, fear of feeling to the point of not...

  • Purple Bee Balm
    $13.00 Purple Bee Balm
    Purple Bee Balm Monarda didyma (purple) Indecisiveness, Confidence, Guidance, Visions, Change, Transition, Trust, Victimhood, Co-dependency Harmonious Expression: Being able to journey within for guidance...

  • Purple Bush Bean
    $13.00 Purple Bush Bean
    Purple Bush Bean Phaseolus vulgaris (purple) Bringing forth your gifts for magnification and distribution to others. Honoring the duality of complexity and complicity. There is another state of being in pure...

  • Purple Cone Flower
    $13.00 Purple Cone Flower
    Purple Cone Flower Echinacea purpurea (pink) Use this for repairing the shattered core when trauma or shock has created an inability to find healing and/or wholeness and sense of self. This essence combines well with others...

  • Purple Loosestrife
    $13.00 Purple Loosestrife
    Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria (purple shade of pink) Change, Loss, Trauma, Relaxation, Tension, Stress Harmonious Expression: Relaxed and knowing that as old ways and forms pass away that new opportunities will appear...

  • Purple Mullein
    $13.00 Purple Mullein
    Purple Mullein Verbascum phoeniceum hybrids (purple) Spirituality, Separation, Crown Chakra Harmonious Expression: Full integration of spirituality into life: not so much by doing as by “being”; feeling it within...

  • Queen Anne's Lace
    $13.00 Queen Anne's Lace
    Queen Anne's Lace Daucus carota (white) Healing hands, healing fibers that entwine themselves around us bringing healing energy into our bodies. Plugs us into multiple healing circuits and connections. Great for all healing...

  • Queen of the Meadow
    $13.00 Queen of the Meadow
    Queen of the Meadow Filipendula ulmaria plena (ivory white)) Harmonious Expression: A deep sense of wholeness, safety, and healing comes from being aligned with the maternal heartbeat of the Mother Earth. An...

  • Queen of the Prairie
    $13.00 Queen of the Prairie
    Queen of the Prairie Filipendula venustra rubra (pink) This essence is all about penetrating deep within our psyche to be receptive to the healing of heartfelt emotional issues that create a wall between ourselves and the...