Lavender Lavendula officinalis (violet) Soothing, Calming, Peace "filled" I stand strong and delicious even whey the situation is less than desirable for others. I radiate, expand and go with the flow and thrive. I am relaxed, centered, calm and enjoy all the benefits of life that surround me and befriend them to my benefit. No matter what is happening around me I rejoice and relax in life. For those who need to relax and feel their strength in the calm. Fowho allow themselves to be too influenced by what they see around them which is only a skewed perception.Harmonious Expression: A balanced and aligned nervous system and connection to one’s divine self. Feeling calm and at ease.Inharmonious Expression: Feeling that nerves are stretched to the breaking point. Feeling overwrought and the physical conditions that follow this.
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DISCLAIMER: Flower Essences should not be used as a replacement for proper medical care. Using flower essences is only a part of taking responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being. You are also responsible for researching and listening to your intuition about what foods benefit your body, what activities bring you joy and strength, and allowing for quiet contemplative time to help you reach greater clarity in your life's decisions.