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Mugwort Artemisia douglasiana (green) Intuition, Psychic, Clairvoyance, Receptivity, Spiritual, Wisdom Harmonious expression: Sense of being-ness and openness to sacred knowledge. Being able to integrate one’s spiritual learnings into life. The 2,3,4 and 7th chakras being strong and supported. Being fully receptive and yet not overwhelmed by life because of one’s ability to let energy and challenges flow through you and out the other side.Inharmonious Expression: Inability to take in sacred knowledge. Feeling cut off from divine wisdom. Feeling that life is two dimensional. Feeling that life consists of getting up, eating, working, and going back to bed.Use to develop intuitive and psychic skills. This is a very potent essence that has the capability of unlocking a vast array of skills and connec¬tions. If one does not have appropriate energy field boundaries it is suggested that yarrow essences be used or the combination called “Master Yarrow” which is a mixture of five yarrows.

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