Painted Trillium Trillium undulatum (white with maroon brush marks) There is no loss you are experiencing within. There is the ebb and flow of life's energies. One replenishes the other. There is balance in these energies. Anemia issues, feelings of being drained of energy. Feelings of being hurt or wounded inside and this pain spills over into one's life. Unexposed pain that needs to be addressed. Yes, will help with inner woundings. Helps one to acknowledge this wounding and allow it to heal through understanding. Caught in the middle of a triangle. (research)
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DISCLAIMER: Flower Essences should not be used as a replacement for proper medical care. Using flower essences is only a part of taking responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being. You are also responsible for researching and listening to your intuition about what foods benefit your body, what activities bring you joy and strength, and allowing for quiet contemplative time to help you reach greater clarity in your life's decisions.