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EASE Practitioner Kit (Emotional Adaptive Strategy Essences)

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2.00 LBS
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This set of 20 essences is groundbreaking as it offers a new way to clear the emotional blocks that keep us stuck or keep us from healing. This set is great for anyone who wants to do this work with themselves and others; family/friends/clients. Someone who wants to just address their own healing may test for what they need and choose to order a custom dosage bottle for their own use rather than the whole kit although some will know that they want the whole kit, even though it's not clear why yet.

We develop adaptive emotional strategies and beliefs when we are young and less able to control what happens in our lives. These strategies are created when we face obstacles or pain that we don't have the resources to deal with and/or understand. The tragedy is that once we have grown we still respond to life with these adaptive strategies and they limit us, sometimes severely, from living the life we want.

This group of flower essences is divided into 2 categories. The first ten diffuse the strategies while the second ten "rewire" us with the ability to respond from a balanced, sovereign place. Think of it as having your emotional defaults reset to factory settings only in this case the "factory settings" are based in essential universal truth and wholeness.

To use this set it is only necessary to test for the first 10 essences because the second ten correspond to and are taken along with whichever essences are needed from first group. Most people have a form of kinesiology or dowsing they use to test for essences. Use whatever method you are comfortable with to test for your first needed essence from group one. This essence illuminates your primary block. It may not be your primary strategy but it is what is holding everything in the place. If it is the number 6 essence, for instance, you will address it by taking the number 6 essence from both the first diffusing group and second infusing group.

The next step is to test for any secondary essences that address other emotional strategies. Keep track of the order in which essences test positive. Keep testing until no more are indicated.

Please note that sometimes one essence will not only treat the stated issue but will also unlock a jam of other issues, allowing them to resolve as well. There is no correlation between how many essences one needs and how many adaptive strategies or obsolete beliefs have been impacting one's life.

Sometimes someone tests for all ten. This is fine; do use all ten. Sometimes someone tests for the same essence 2 or more times. We suggest you create the dosage bottle by adding essences in the order in which they tested and if one essence tests out more than once, add it more than once and in the proper order.

For example, if you test for essences 10, 5 and 2 from the first 10; make a dosage bottle adding the essences #10 from both groups, then #5 from both groups and then #2 from both groups to make a dosage bottle. See directions for making a dosage bottle below.

This set of 20 essences is provided as 1/2 ounce (15 ml) stock essences preserved in brandy and bottled in half ounce violet glass dropper bottles. They come in a handy kit box with an essence location label in the lid and an insert about their use. Each bottle is labeled with the essence name and it's corresponding number.

The Essences of the EASE Practitioners Kit

"See a chart of the EASE essences and their meanings here"


To make a dosage bottle:

- Using an empty 1 ounce glass dropper bottle, add your choice from the preservatives listed:

- 1 Tablespoon of Brandy, Vegetable Glycerin, Cider Vinegar,r White Vinegar or 3 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract.

- Add water to the bottle until there is just enough room for the drops of stock essences.

- Add 4-7 drops of each stock flower essence chosen

- Put the dropper assembly on and shake gently. Label with the date and essences included.

- People for whom all of the preservative options above are not possible may refrigerate the dosage bottle.

- Label the bottle with name of recipient, date and essences included. You may choose to just list the numbers of the essences or use our special EASE Kit dosage labels with their simple grid for recording formulas.

EASE Dosage Bottle Labels - these handy labels go with the EASE Practitioner Kit and make it simple and easy to check off which EASE essences are in a dosage bottle formula.


EASE Client Information Sheet Pad - This pad of information sheets is an easy way to include information about this process with an EASE dosage bottle. Your client will be able to read about the essences in their formula, learn what to expect and understand the process. There is a space for you to either write, rubber stamp or apply label with your contact information so it's handy should they have questions or need to order another bottle.


All of our stock (concentrate) essences are preserved in brandy and sold in 1/2 ounce (15 ml) Miron violet glass bottles. They are $13.00 each with price discounts as follows; 6 and more are $11.00 each, 12 and more are $10.00 each, 20 and more are priced at $8.00 each. These discounts are applied automatically in the shopping cart as you reach the threshold quantities.

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