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Money Plant (White)

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Money Plant (White)
0.10 LBS
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Money Plant - White Lunaria annua alba (white)

Self Worth, Receiving, Giving, Abundance

Harmonious Expression: A healthy balanced sense of one’s worth and one’s right to be present in the world.

Inharmonious Expression: Feelings of not being “good enough” and the self-destructive patterns or choices that follow that thought pattern.Use when deep emotional trauma leaves one feeling that they don’t deserve happiness. Use for poor self-esteem, a sense of hollowness or stabbing pain in the heart and/or a sense of not feeling worthy of being alive.

Opening up one's abilities to connect with the universe to become a co-creator on earth. Working in unison with the Universe. For those who think it is in someone else's power to permit or deny you success and abundance. Bringing manifestation desire into alignment and into reality. You are the dreamer who creates and is ready to receive, while letting the universe do it's job of delivering your dreams. All while you remain aligned to receiving, not straying from your dream. Law of Attraction connection and stimulator.

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