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Pale Corydalis

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Pale Corydalis
0.10 LBS
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Pale Corydalis Corydalis sempervirums (pink & yellow) Change, Transitions, Panic, Surrender, Fear, Karmic Lessons.

Harmonious Expression: The ability to surrender to change or destiny without losing one’s balance. To be able to experience one’s cosmic connection to the divine Universe while going through changes, whether they are small changes or massive changes. Ability to trust that what is happening is just what one needs to learn one’s karmic lessons and therefore is a gift and welcome.

Inharmonious Expression: Panic, tightness, and holding on to the old when faced with change. Feeling intense fear during transitions in one’s life. Loss of trust in the rightness of what is happening.

Allows for surprise and transformation. Allowing life to unfold naturally without trying to constrain it. For those who hold back from growing in any all ways. Like wearing the same shoes all your life - thwarts growth. Take for life's ever changing graduations to gracefully reach the next stage with anticipation. Conception, birth, puberty. The initiation essence. Moving on - for both children, parents and partners. Thwarted evolution. se during times of change when you are experiencing difficulty in surrendering; when panic strikes and fear is pounding at your door.

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