Rose – “English Elegance” Rose "English Elegance" (peach and pink) Invites soft gentle love into relationships. This essences "folds" you into it's arms revealing sweet calm loving. No drama here. Returns one to the simply magnificent power of soft love, quiet moments, intuitive knowing what nutures each other. Great for couples caught in adrenal dramas or needing drama to make them feel loved. This is where true love lives and is the most powerful and power filled. (research)
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DISCLAIMER: Flower Essences should not be used as a replacement for proper medical care. Using flower essences is only a part of taking responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being. You are also responsible for researching and listening to your intuition about what foods benefit your body, what activities bring you joy and strength, and allowing for quiet contemplative time to help you reach greater clarity in your life's decisions.